Barry’s ride for CRCMC

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Chattahoochee, Florida update.

Today is Thursday the 5th and I am in Chattahoochee, Florida.
The days are flying by and I am within six days of reaching my goal of St.
Augustine, Florida.
I should have 4-5 days to relax on the beach and tour the very historic
town before flying home.
I am feeling no pressure, my body feels strong, the weather is beautiful
and the riding is good.  There are times when I can hardly believe that
I’m riding my bike across Florida and will soon be at the Atlantic Ocean.
I am able to relax and enjoy each day’s ride and knowing that the end is
very near is almost sad to think about. But, I have been gone a long time
and it will be nice to be at home again, especially since I live in such a
wonderful place.
I have to go because the library is closing.
Happy trails….

More Road views


Almost there


Home stretch


Florida is cold?

Hi, just a quick note and then back on the road. I’m at a JC library in
Milton, Florida; yes Florida!! But, I still have about 450 miles to ride
to get to the other coast.
I took a day off at Dauphin Island and the weather got very cold and
windy. Further north in Alabama the storm spawned tornadoes and dropped
snow across much of Alabama. However, where I was the weather that we got
was very heavy winds which closed down the ferry and forced me to take
another day off on the island: there’s worst things that could happen. My
extra time at the campground allowed me to become friends with my neighbor
campers who I got to do a little sightseeing with while on the island. So,
hi to Joyce, Wendy, Alexandra and Will if you’re reading this. After
getting off the ferry yesterday morning the air and wind were so bitterly
cold that I was forced to stop at a store and buy ski gloves because I
couldn’t go on without them!
So far, my time in Florida has been very cold but a warming trend is
suppose to start tomorrow with highs during the day reaching the mid 70’s
and overnight lows in the 50’s.
Down the road I go. I hope everybody is staying dry and warm.

Beach bum


More campsites


Update from the traveler

Hi to everybody.
Today is Saturday 28th and I’m taking a day off at a campground on Dauphin
Island, Alabama.
My luck has held with the weather. It seems to rain everyday around here
but somehow I have managed to avoid it while riding. But, I have had
several days with headwinds, sometimes very strong, which makes the riding
much harder.
I have been on some of the most deserted roads that I’ve ever ridden on
and I am getting to see parts of the country that most people never see.
The towns are all small and the people are like people from small towns
everywhere: friendly, concerned and wanting to help. Southern hospitality
is alive and well.
I have met several people in the last few days who are doing bike tours
and it’s always nice to know that there are other people out there doing
what I’m doing. Tomorrow I will take the ferry off the island and begin
the trip across the panhandle of Florida.
Your comments and words of encouragement mean so much to me: thank you all.
Down the road I go…

Just crossing the lines


Views from the road
